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Sapphire is a statistical nuclear reaction and decay code

Inputfile description and keywords

  1. Keywords Table
  2. Keywords
  3. Example Inputfiles

Keywords Table


Keyword Short explanation
MassTable Path to the mass tables
GDRParams Path to the file with gdr parameters
LevelDir Path to the directory which contains the level files
SpinFile Path to the file which contains the spin information
ProtonModel Sets the model for proton transmission function.
pNorm Multiplication factor for the proton transmission coefficient
NeutronModel Sets the model for neutron transmission function.
nNorm Multiplication factor for the neutron transmission coefficient
AlphaModel Sets the model for neutron transmission function.
aNorm Multiplication factor for the alpha transmission coefficient
E1Model Sets the model for E1 gamma transmission function.
M1Model Sets the model for M1 gamma transmission function.
E2Model Sets the model for E2 gamma transmission function.
gNorm Multiplication factor for the gamma transmission coefficient
PorterThomasParticle Toggle the Porter-Thomas Fluctuations for particle transmission
PorterThomasGamma Toggle the Porter-Thomas Fluctuations for gamma transmission
GammaChannel Toggle the gamma channel
NeutronChannel Toggle the neutron channel
ProtonChannel Toggle the proton channel
AlphaChannel Toggle the alpha channel
LevelDensity Sets the model for the Nuclear Level Density.
cTable Value to normalize the level spacing at the neutron separation energy.
eBinning Number of continuum bins during the continuum calculations.


Keyword Short explanation
Reaction Reaction string,e.g., 25Mg+a
EnergyFile Path to the file containing a list of energies
ReactionFile Path to the file containing a list of reactions
CalcRates Turn calculation of rates on or off (if neutron)
CalcAverageWidth Calculates the average s-wave radiative width at threshold and exits.
ResidualGamma Toggles if residual or total capture cross section is calculated.
ResidualNeutron Toggles if neutron residual or total capture cross section is calculated.
ResidualProton Toggles if proton residual or total capture cross section is calculated.
ResidualAlpha Toggles if alpha residual or total capture cross section is calculated.
CalculateGammaCutoff Toggles if Gamma-Cutoff energy should be calculated or not.
EntranceState Give the number of the initial state, e.g. 0 for groundstate
g_ExitStates Define how many partial cross section should be calculated.
n_ExitStates Define how many partial cross section should be calculated.
p_ExitStates Define how many partial cross section should be calculated.
a_ExitStates Define how many partial cross section should be calculated.
PrintXS Toggle if calculated cross sections should be written to a file
PrintTRANS Toggle if calculated transmission coefficients should be written to a file
PrintRATE Toggle if calculated reaction rates should be written to a file


Keyword Short explanation
Suffix Suffix which can be given to the output files.
Isotope Isotope of interest. Format example: 94Mo
Spin Spin of the initial state as a double.
Parity Parity of the initial state: 1 = + , -1 = -
EnergyLow Lower limit of the excitation energy window in MeV
EnergyHigh Upper limit of the excitation energy window in MeV
Events Number of simulated decays
ChunkSize Size of the chunks which are calculated at the same time
Preequillibrium Toggle if the prequillibrium decayer should be used
PreEqConf Sets the initial exciton configuration.


Keyword Short explanation
Z Charge of the isotope
A Mass of the isotope
Mode create or extend
OutputFile OutputFile of the level scheme
Emin Starting energy for the creation of the level scheme
Emax Energy limit for the creation of the level scheme




The default mass tables can be found in /tables/masses/. Currently, Sapphire uses the mass excesses from the Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL-3) to calculate atomic masses and Q-Values. The experimental mass excesses were evaluated by G. Audi and A.H. Wapstra.

If no experimental mass excesses are available, Sapphire uses the ground state properties of the Finite Range Droplet Model (FRDM) from RIPL-3.

Users who want to use different ground state properties are free to edit the data tables or exchange them with other ones. However, the file structure needs to stay the same as defined by RIPL-3.


This keywords sets the path to the file containing the GDR parameters. Currently the parameters from RIPL-3 are used and stored in /tables/gamma/ripl3_gdr_parameters.dat. If changed by the user, the new file has to be in the same format as the current file. For more information, see the official RIPL-3 README-file.


Currently available models are:

[0] Brink-Axel Lorentzian

Simple Standard Lorentzian (SLO) with GDR parameters from [RIPL-3]. See GDRParams for details.

[1] Generalized Lorentzian by Kopecky-Uhl

[2] McCullaghGSF

[3] Microscopical E1 strength based on QRPA calculations using the D1M Gogny Force (default)

This model is based on the published tables of the PSF Database. The tables can be found in tables/gamma/D1M/. The tables are modified by the analytical corrections for the up-bend and nuclear temperature. For details see references:


[0] Brink-Axel Lorentzian

Simple Standard Lorentzian (SLO) with GDR parameters from [RIPL-3]. See GDRParams for details.

[2] McCullaghGSF

[3] Microscopical M1 strength based on QRPA calculations using the D1M Gogny Force (default)

This model is based on the published tables of the PSF Database. The tables can be found in tables/gamma/D1M/. The tables are modified by the analytical corrections for the up-bend and nuclear temperature. For details see references:


[0] Brink-Axel Lorentzian Simple Standard Lorentzian (SLO) with GDR parameters from [RIPL-3]. See GDRParams for details.

[2] McCullaghGSF


For a simple normalization of the gamma-decay width, the parameter gNorm can be used. All gamma-ray transmission coefficients are multiplied with this factor. It’s default value is 1.0.



Currently available models:

  1. Rauscher Level Density
  2. Microscopical Level Density HFB-BSk14

    Quotation from RIPL-3:

    “The nuclear level density is coherently obtained on the basis of the single-particle level scheme and pairing energy derived at the ground state deformation based on the BSk14 Skyrme force (S. Goriely, M. Samyn, J.M. Pearson, Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 064312).

    Additionally, the phenomenological level density parameters ctable and ptable are tabulated in files (*.cor) by fitting the HFB calculated curve to the RIPL II recommended spacings of s-wave neutron resonances D0 and to the cumulative number of low-lying levels (S. Goriely, S. Hilaire, A.J. Koning, Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 064307)”.


Normalization factor $c$ for level densities which are based on LevelDensityTables: \(\rho(E,J,P)_{norm} = e^{c\sqrt{E}}\rho(E,J,P)\)

With this parameter the level density can be fitted to level spacing at the neutron separation energy $S_n$.


The known levels are also derived from RIPL-3 and can be found in /tables/levels/.



In some situations the user might want to exclude specific channels in the calculations, for instance, if the user is only interested in the gamma-ray decay behaviour while neutron decay is also open but much more likely. In these cases the keywords AlphaChannel, ProtonChannel, NeutronChannel, or GammaChannel can be set to 0.



Example Inputfile

Decay of 92Mo

In this example the statistical decay of 2- states in 92Mo at excitation energies between 8.0 MeV and 8.5 MeV will be simulated. The input file looks like the code below.

LevelDensity    = 0
E1Model         = 0
M1Model         = 0

Isotope = 92Mo 
Events = 10000
ChunkSize= 10000
Spin = 2.0
Parity = -1
EnergyLow =  8.0
EnergyHigh = 8.5

This will generate the following gamma-ray spectrum and TSC matrix: